Friday, January 20, 2006

I Think I Am OK / Coffee With a Friend / Mango Update

Yesterday started out as a very "foggy" day mentally and emotionally. It slowly got better and ended very well.

Work was what I call a "slow burn"; it started off slow but picked up speed towards the end of the day. Early on my friend Ben* called me and asked me to join him at Starbucks for a cup of coffee. I was a little nervous about meeting with him because I thought he knew what I was struggling with and I did not want to share it with him or anyone else for that matter.

The day rolled on with me checking the news (what is up with Osama bin Laden? TRUCE? WITH US? HA!), running some reports, showing 2 other people how to run them (seems like my gung ho attitude is making more work for other people...sorry!), showing a third person how to run a special report he needed, and the removal of some very persistent software ware from a fourth persons PC. All that in just 2 hours. I failed to mention I had lunch again with Paul* at Wendy's. Yeah, he is crude but he has a heart of gold. I had lunch with him last week (we had Wendy's and at it at the park) and he was pretty low key. His doc has been adjusting his meds and I think they are beginning to balance him out.

I had my coffee with Ben* and we chatted for about an hour and it seemed that he really enjoyed it. I felt blessed for many reasons. One, he enjoyed what we talked about, he enjoyed my company, and he prayed for me regarding my surgery today (yep, I go under the knife in about 3 hours). The man really has compassion for his BiC's (Brothers in Christ).

I got home at about 6 PM and my son was at the house. We chatted about this and that, not much of importance, but it felt good to chat with him. His mobile phone that we were paying for was shut off today. He has been told and has a replacement ready to be activated.

His car is acting up so he will be driving me back today from surgery in my truck. It is going to cost him $1600 to repair his car and his only paid $1500 for it and has put about $1000 more into it. At this point he is going to hang it up.

We gave him a small bag of groceries and lots of hugs. He is not dong stellar where he is living, but he is doing ok. I know that in some way he in ministering to those he lives with. I love my son. I am proud of him.

Well, my Mango plant is really doing well. It has 6 large leaves on it and the fair weather we have been having has really helped. I put it outside when I can, but many days it just sits in a sunny window.

The issues that were clouding my thoughts yesterday have left me and I am at peace. While I am still very nervous about the surgery, I am not afraid. God has blessed me more than I deserve and if I were to die tomorrow, I would not want for anything.

God Bless you all, and I hope to be blogging again real soon!

*Not their real names.

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