Sunday, January 01, 2006

Best Wishes for the New Year

My wife and I went to a New Years Eve party last night that was hosted by the praise and worship leader and his wife. It was "bring a snack, bring a beverage, bring a game" party that was very quiet, but fun. Highlights include:

* A pinata for the smaller kids (which was broken open by a pre-teen girl who hit the thing like major league baseball player)
* A "Texas Hold'em" poker game for the teens. I sat in and helped one girl win 2 hands in a row even though I have never played the game before. She accumulated quite a few chips.
* Lots of great snacks, including some caramel flavored apple chips that most people refused to eat because they though they were potpourri. Once people saw me eating them, they disappeared quickly.
* A "white elephant" gift exchange that actually had white elephants as 2 of the gifts.
* Lots of good music and laughter.

I think about 30 adults and 15 teens and pre-teens showed up. We stayed until 12:30 or so and then went home to get some sleep. Church is at 11:00 AM so we needed to get some rest.

I am wishing everyone a blessed New Year. I hope and pray that 2006 is the year wonderful things happen for you and your family.

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