Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Leader in Serious Condition and The Living Room is ALMOST Finished

Ariel Sharon is a very sick man. The Israeli Prime Minister suffered a massive stroke and things are not looking good for him. I am not sure what this may mean for Israel. Will tensions increase? Will a new Prime Minister make a difference in the violent plagued nation? Only time will tell. I will pray that before he dies he discovers the truth like so many other Jews have. The truth I speak of is Christ Jesus.

With that said, I am sure that Christians are going to get a black eye after the remarks made by Pat Robertson. Why must he feel compelled to make negative, often inflammatory comments about the leaders of other nations? If we are to be a group of peaceful people, we need to learn to stop making judgments.

On a side note, the new leaves that sprouted on my mango plant are about an inch long in just 3 days. Warm temperatures and lots of water have helped, I am sure. Not that the plant has gotten any rain. It has been very dry in North Central Texas the past few months.

My wife has almost finished painting our living room. She is taking her time and with her schedule it is not easy to get much done at any one time. I can tell you that after she does a few touch ups, I can start moving all the audio and video equipment back in and we can start using our living room again. Yippee!

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