Thursday, January 12, 2006

I Am Sorry

That is what Pat Robertson wrote in a letter hand delivered to the son of Ariel Sharon, the PM of Israel after he made the STUPID statement to that leader that his condition (he had a severe stroke) was the wrath of God for giving up Gaza.

I will give Mr. Robertson props for apologizing, but he should really learn to keep his mouth shut.

If you are reading this and are not a Christian, please do not judge the many by the comments / thoughts /actions of the few.

On a side note, I had my pre-op consultation today. I honestly felt it was a waste of time and money. Thank goodness I have insurance. I waited for an hour, than sat with a nurse for 5 minutes while she wrote down my condition ... again. The the doctor came in, dictated some notes, and gave me the run down. He was rushed. He had a hard day and it was only 1 PM. Surgery is next Friday afternoon. I would appreciate your prayers for the skill of the doctor and a speedy recovery.

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