Monday, May 19, 2008

So It Has Been Five Days...So What?

Yeah, yeah, I has been a while since my last update. Well, I have not really been motivated so the words are not flowing. However, this weekend was pretty event-filled so I thought I would blog a bit.

The work week ended rather slow after working my customary two days from home (Wed and Thu). Friday was quiet and I went home early. I snagged a geocache on the way home Friday and hoped to do some serious caching on Saturday. However, I failed to remember that my weekend was full and I had things to do...

Saturday morning I got up and went to the Men's breakfast and ate a pretty good meal as well as good conversation with my BiC's. After we ate and cleaned up, I walked out to see how the church yard sale was doing. Things were going well and a lot of the bigger items had been sold. I then was told that a couple of draw items (a cell phone and a digital camera) had been stolen right off the table. Now maybe I am just a cynic, but how low does a person have to be to steal from a CHURCH? And a church yard sale at that? After voicing my ire, I went home.

When I got home my lovely wife was not there so I let the dogs out to "do their thing" while I contemplated going geocaching at Breckenridge Park in Richardson. It is a big park and there were 15 caches there I have not found yet. It sounded perfect. I collected my gear and headed out. Yes I had a house to vacuum and two yards to mow, but I was feeling selfish so I went anyways. That boys and girls is where I made my big mistake.

I finally made it to the park (a wrong turn and several bicyclists hindered me from making the correct turn) and started my trek. I headed off but in the end I had the single most disappointing day ever. I only found one in the park and two outside the park that I had missed a few weeks ago. I guess that when you are being led to do the right thing and you get selfish and do the wrong thing, you pay. So El Gee was not "the great white geocache hunter" he wanted to be on Saturday...and I deserved what I got.

Deflated, I came home and mowed the grass and then walked Little Man (who by the way is looking really old and most of the time acts very old) a bit. He did not seem to want to walk, but he did and then we went back home. With all the hard sweaty work done, I got a shower.

Sunday I skipped Sunday School but made it to church. Sometimes it is more important to take care of personal things at home while you have the time then waiting and letting them simmer and possibly boil over.

After church my wife and I went to "Joe's Italian Bistro", a mom and pop type place, for lunch. The chicken marsala was great, but I ended up spilling some of the sauce on my jeans. It most likely will come out thanks to a blast of "Spray and Wash" I put on them when I got home. After lunch my wife laid down and I went out to place a new cache close by and replace one that had been muggled. Both were put in action and ready to be found.

After that I did not have much time before my wife and I needed to go to the parsonage and participate in some "Alter Worker" training. My wife and I (as well as 6 other couples) were chosen to be available to pray for people when they request it. While our new pastor is not the most accomplished teacher in the world, he is a strong man of God and is growing into his new role very well. We are quite proud of him.

We finally left at 9 PM and headed home to walk the dogs. It was not much later that I fell asleep while my wife was surfing the web.

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