Friday, May 09, 2008

Friday Is Here

Wow, it is Friday already! The week has gone by quickly, even Wednesday and Thursday which are my work at home days.

I cut our yard and our neighbors last night and was able to get done with both AND walk Little Man before it got dark. God is good!

After a relaxing hot shower, I had the hankering for some ice cream so I drove over to Kroger and got a pint of Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate. My wife was not by her any. With a short grocery list in my hand and my wallet in my pocket, I headed off.

I came back and watched Law and Order that had been taped the night before and hoped to watch Lost but I screwed up and missed it, so it looks like I will have to find a copy online to watch. I hate when they change the times that shows come on. It screws up my recording!

Earlier in the day I collected a few goodies to drop off at the church yard/garage sale and noticed I had an old laptop that belonged to work in my junk pile (when I say old, I mean OLD. 600 mhz, 256 meg RAM old) so I wiped the HD and set it aside to take back to work. Now that my wife has a laptop, we do not need to borrow one from work any more. Work, at one time had a rather large collection of old laptops and my boss did not mind if I borrowed on to travel with. The selection is rather slim now but that is okay as most people have laptops.

Work, so far, has been light. Monday was a bit busy but the past three days have been very quiet. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not. I would rather have work to do in the day and have the nights be quiet than lots of quiet all the time then things hitting all at once. Feast or famine is the law of the land.

Well, I learned yet another lesson. When given the option to pay a little more for priority shipping, do it. I ordered my GPSr on the evening of the 5th and I still have not gotten confirmation from the USPS that it has been picked up from the warehouse. Oh well, lesson learned. I wonder how long it will take to get here? Will I have it by next weekend (17th) or will I wait even longer? I guess we will find out!

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