Friday, May 02, 2008


Now this really burns my toast. How can anyone (especially a celebrity) make a stupid comment like, "“It didn’t make financial sense for me to keep paying a mortgage on a home that was basically owned by someone else.” (Hat tip to Michelle Malkin)? Grrrrrrrrrr. Isn't that what a mortgage is? He is just upset because the property has lost value and he could not see paying a large mortgage on something worth less than he paid for it. Where is his integrity?

This whole mortgage mess is really beginning to bother me. We have several homes in our modest middle income neighbor hood that people have abandoned overnight. The yard becomes overgrown and choked with weeds and the newspapers and mail begins to pile up. It is no secret what happened, even before the "FORECLOSURE" signs go up. My neighborhood was a nice newer middle class neighborhood with few teen kids running the streets. That is until banks started giving loans to people who could not afford them (via an ARM). Then, when the rate changed on the loan, the families panicked and jumped ship. Now if you lose your job and CANNOT make the payment, that is one thing. But when you are gainfully employeed and CHOOSE to let your property go, "Shame on you".

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