Friday, May 02, 2008

It Finally Hit

All was quiet until noon or so on Thursday. That is when the work actually started.

Monday through Wednesday, work was quiet. Very few phone calls made it to us and none of them were of any importance. Thursday morning was more of the same, but sometime around lunch that all changed. Three high severity issues hit basically at the same time. Thankfully, two of the three were solved by the time I went on call at 5:00 PM. I was blessed with no additional calls that night. The last issue is still being worked on, although the last note states that they think it is resolved and are waiting for the customer to test the solution. Either the customer has forgotten to contact the tech, she is slow, or she has not tried it yet. I am betting on the former. Customers are quick to scream when something doesn't work, but ask them to contact you when they are done testing and they completely forget.


Today has been quiet so far. It would be nice if it stayed that way all weekend. I have to go on call in three weeks since my TL switched with me last week. If I have to go on call again so soon, I want the chore to be as painless as possible.

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