Monday, October 24, 2005

Mega Update

I know I really should post more often. I would love to. I just seems I never have the time. I need to make more time, But it seems so hard with all that goes on with church, work, family, chores...

The weekend of October 15 I was so busy/tired I thought I would crash. It started at 6 AM with my normal dog walk, coffee, and breakfast. I then washed dishes and disassembled my son's old desk that he did not want. I was huge and heavy, so I had to take it apart to get it out. 50 screws and several hammer blows later it was in 10-12 pieces. I loaded the pieces in the truck and hauled them to the dump. On the way to the dump I dropped my wife off at her aerobics class. I was going to pick her up when I got done at the dump but it did not take me as long as I thought so I went to How Depot and got fertilizer for my neighbors lawn (and ours). After killing 30 minutes, I went to pick up my lovely wife.

After a quick lunch, I started mowing the yards, getting done about 3:30. I exhausted so I got a shower and then stripped the bed and vacuumed the house. At 4:30 or so I was done with that chore. Of course I was hungry and the dogs needed a I did that and was done by 6:30. Full day! After so computer time and TV/wife time, we hit the hay.

Sunday of that weekend we had church and then a picnic afterwards with about 2 hours of sand court volleyball. Our team only lost once. Go team!

Got home and showered and ate a quick light dinner and walked the dogs. It was almost time for Sunday TV (Law and Order: CI) then bed.

The next week was busy with normal activities (work, care groups, walking dogs, dishes, vacuuming, and church) with the added bonus of me working on a computer to give to a hurricane evacuee family. I got it done, fully operational with Linspire (A form of Linux that is very Windows like and easy to use). I also collected some more computer parts from friends, and even managed to get an Apple Mac G4 cube. I just need a keyboard and mouse for it, reload it and then I can give it to another family. w00t!

Saturday I drove to Rockwall to pick up a NEW box spring for a family who needed it. I went with a woman from our church. She is a black belt so I felt safe ;-). That took about 2 hours or so (after a small detour). After getting that done I came back and did my normal chores.

Sunday we were busy with church, dinner with another one of our church sisters, and a visit back too the home of the black belt (to pick up even more stuff for the evacuees). Her black belt fiance was there and we chatted about the pain I am having in my left leg. After describing it to him, he is very sure it is the major nerve that runs from the lower back down my leg. He gave me some books to read about back health. Nice guy.

Ran some errands after that and talked to mom on the phone while we were out and about. Finally got home and walked one of the dogs. The other was not feeling too well. We had a cold snap with some rain and it was not agreeing with her.

Movies this weekend were "Hellboy" (not a great movie, but "OK") and Gladiator. Gladiator was pretty darned good. One to buy!

On the work front, my boss has offered me one of 2 new positions and I nave researched and prayed and talked with others and I have finally picked the one I am taking. This is a leap of faith for me, since I do not have the skills required to do this job. Once I make my selection known to my boss, I will post it.

Oh, I almost forgot...I saw my son yesterday for a few minutes. He had been in San Antonio for Cadre training for the National Guard. I fully expect that by this time next year, he will be a corporal. I am proud of him, even though I am still hurt he moved out.

Well, that should be enough for now. I will try to offer more goodies this week as time permits.

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