Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"Hi Kettle, You're black."

This is what I think of when I read Madonna's upcoming documentary, "I'M GOING TO TELL YOU A SECRET". She says we are all going to Hell and this world is the Beast. Oh, all priests are gay, too. All this from the woman who has exemplified sinful behavior just a few short years ago. (Matt Drudge at www.drudgereport.com) .

Madonna has, if you were not aware, converted to a mystical form of Judaism known as Kaballah.

Now we all sin and we all fall short of the Glory of God. However, it always seems odd to me when people who live a openly sinful lifestyle, are telling the world how bad the world (and its occupants) really are.

One thing I have always struggled with is people that are convicted of horrible crimes, go to prison, and then become Christians. The human side of me does not want to accept this, even though the Spirit in me is thrilled that another soul has been saved. I guess because I am a doubter, I do not 100% believe the person is sincere. That is judging and that is a sin. See how this wonderful circle goes on and on?

I honestly should have a bit more compassion and faith, since I was in the category of those who were "bad" and decided to turn my life over to Christ. I guess since walking the Christian walk is hard I have my doubts. No one said that it would be all flowers and sunshine. I have had my share of storms (with more to come, I am sure) that I have weathered.

I once joked that if thinking about breaking any of the 10 Commandments was a sin, then I had most all of them covered (broken). That was the old me. I am glad the new me does not think like that anymore.

I was reflecting on Madonn's comments and I guess depending on what you believe, this world could be considered the "Beast". The Enemy definitely has his hand in our lives, if we give him a chance. Her other comment about priests troubles me. I do not like to characterize people in general, sweeping ways. I am sure not all priests are gay. Maybe she has some baggage she needs to unload?

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