Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Another Angel

It is with great sadness that I compose this. Baby Benjamin, the first born child of the youth ministers at our church passed away yesterday. Benjamin was born 3 months early and was doing well until he developed an infection and passed away.

I am very sad. The youth ministers (a couple) are dear to me. They have prayed for me and with me and I cannot fathom their loss.

When this baby was born, I had a vision that it would survive, that God had a greater plan in mind than what we can understand. The only person I told was my wife, who had a similar feeling. What makes that odd is that the baby wa doing quite well until 2 days ago, which was contrary to what I had felt. This was a mixed feeling. Glad at the progress of the child and concerned that my feelings were that strong and incorrect. However, in the end my fears came true as we learned of his passing.

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