Monday, May 30, 2005

Sad Day

I am a firm believer in the right to bear arms, as stated in the US Constitution. I hold no ill will to anyone who wishes to practice that right, as long as they are responsible. If guns are not controlled properly, horrible things can happen.

I understand no charges are going to be filled. Now I do not think murder charges should be filed, but the parent failed to keep a child safe. At the very least they should get a child endangerment charge. Maybe no time, but at least a conviction.

I have had people argue, "They have suffered enough...they lost a child." Yes, they have suffered and lost. But they are the reason they have suffered and lost. If a neighbot would have been the trigger person, do you think the parents would press charges? Of course they would.

Also, why did the child have on camoulage pants? If I had small children anywhere near guns, I would want them wearing bright orange, so I could see them easier.

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