Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The More the Merrier

I post on an online message board that caters to the more technically savvy. The board really started as a joke, poking fun at those who are not as smart as they think they are. The members are an eclectic bunch, with a variety of viewpoints and opinions. I believe I am probably the most conservative.

One of the regular contributors is openly lesbian and, if the photo is accurate, rather attractive by modern definition. Her sexual orientation and living arrangement (she states she is living with two other lesbians, women she claims she converted to the lifestyle) have been the source of a great deal of interest to many of the males who read and post on the board. She has mentioned many times she has a non-recognized, 3-way lesbian marriage. With the recent headlines regarding gay and lesbian marriage legalities lately, this topic has been discussed ad nausuem. She has been trying to get her 3-way living arrangement legalized as a legal marriage for the past few months, with no success. Everytime a news article is posted regarding the subject of gay and Lesbian marriage, this contributor makes this point know. She seriously thinks this is ok. I feel for her. She is so wrong..

My question. If it is wrong for a man to have more than one wife or a woman to have more than one husband, WHY would it be acceptable for a lesbian (or gay man for that matter) to have multiple partners? Think about this outside of the Christian perspective and think what kind of problems this could create for AMERICA. If multiple partners are allowed for the sake of "marriage", then NOTHING would stop a large group of people (clubs, organizations, schools, universities, churches, hate groups, gangs, etc) of declaring the same thing, having all the rights and privileges granted to traditionally married people? I hear the argument, "Well, if two or more people are in love, they should allowed to be married." How do measure love? A man and a woman today can get married without being "in love". Since US law states you can only marry one person at a time, getting married and getting divorced is a bit time consuming. I can see NOTHING but problems if we allow just anyone to be legally wed, especially if multiple partners are involved.

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