Thursday, May 12, 2005

Great Idea. Right.

This is as smart as telling kids, "Arguing with with a gang member may get you is a Kevlar vest."

Why are we allowing groups to do this sort of thing? We need to educate on what can happen to your body if you engage in sex, not tell them how to lessen the chances of pregnancy or disease.

I was not a Christian growing up as a child/teen/young adult. My home was a bit tense with a father who worked very hard and got very little in return. He turned to alcohol when he needed companionship. My mother watched all this, being raised that the man is the head of the house and his way is law. When things got escalated, no one wanted to be home. I stayed out late, drank, used tobacco, had pre-marital sex (although my list of partners is much smaller than others I know, both male and female), and I was disrespectful to my parents. I was a product of what I was exposed to from my parents. My point? Parents, be a positive role modlefor your kids. Keep up with your kids activities. Do not assume that they are being taught the "right" things in school. Kids, do not believe the hype. Having sex before you are ready to even be married is like running into a battle field with a weapon that has no ammo. It is dangerous, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. You have no idea how badly you cna be injured until it happens to you.

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