Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I wonder why?

This story touches on something I have been thinking about for awhile. San Fran has a very small child population (18 and under). I wonder why? Of course there are many reasons. Cost of living keeping families from living in the city (not really a bad thing in my opinion), crime, poor schools, lack of space, etc contribute to this problem. But all cities have this. Why is San Fran leading the way in this statistic? The kicker is the large gay population. Let us put religion aside for a moment. Two men cannot produce a child, neither can 2 women. I takes one of each to join together and fertilize an egg that will develope into an embryo, which will grow in to a human being. if the 20% gay and lesbian statistic is correct, then it is no wonder why San Fran is losing ground.

Did you ever wonder what would happen if the gay and lesbian lifestyle became the norm? We would slowly die off. Now, if the gay and lesbian population think homosexuality is normal, then why cant we reproduce assexually?

Gay and lesbian life is all about being selfish, only caring about your needs, not the needs of others. It kills me to hear gays and lesbians say that "it is not all about sex." If it wasn't then why have it? Every gay and lesbian person I have ever talked to was into sex outside the marriage. Most admitted to having pornography in the home.

"It does not hurt anyone." Puh-lease. Ever hear of AIDS? I know you can get AIDS in ways other than homosexual activity, but it is a major contributor to the disease.

"I am not bringing any unwanted babies into the world." Neither do responsible straight people.

I am not "bashing" anyone I am asking for people to wake up and stop lying to themselves. Stop giving special rights and start working on equal rights. You can have a gay pride parade, but see if I can have a Christian Pride parade in your town. We cannot even have a Christmas parade. It might offend someone. Why is it that it is OK to offend Christians, but not gays?

1 comment:

Malori said...

Thank you for your "smile" post was on smiles today.
For personal reasons, I would rather not say exactly where I'm going, but it is somewhere in the northeast.
I am sure I will have to deal with gays and lesbians at makes me shudder to think about it. I don't know how liberal the college is, but I know that not everyone will be upright Christians.