Friday, May 13, 2005

The Land of the Offended

I tend to get rather miffed at our legal system at times. It is not just the fact local gov't is more interested in making money than arresting real criminals (We once got a parking ticket IN FRONT OF OUR OWN HOUSE from the local city police for parking IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. We live on a cul-de-sac, no through traffic, quiet street with 2 families that have small children. We had filed a police report 12 months earlier for our son who was the recipient of an assault. Nothing ever came of it. The police knew the perp and did nothing.), it is the fact we cater to everyone elses whims and wishes...unless they are Christian. We are not allowed to read our Bibles in school, but try to stop a Mulsim from praying 5 times a day and the school get's sued ... and loses. Atheists complain about Christian holidays (there are very few observed) and want some of there own (I thought every day was "Atheist Day"), they want all traces of Christianity removed but will allow outlandish references to Pagan and other religious customs to remain mainstream. How about we just let each group celibrate their own holidays and stay out of each others business?

The one ploy the liberals are trying to pull that made me laugh was the renaming of the Easter Bunny to the "Spring Bunny" or something similar. The reason why I laughed was that the liberals are trying (yet again) to slam Christians. Well, this time you failed! Read the Bible and you will not see ANY mention of the word Easter. Easter (thank to Constantine) is a derivative if the Pagan word Ishtar. "Easter" just happens to be a conglomeration of many holidays and festivals both Christian and Pagan, celibrated on the same day. Our church recognizes The Resurrection. Makes sense to me and since the world is in such an anti-Christian mode, for once we are not complaining at the liberals, but laughing instead. Ok at least I am laughing.

I also find it interesting that secular folks say that Christians are the minority and we should not have special rights. Well, if other groups can be given "special rights", why not us? Before any of those groups start flaming me, I am not bashing you at all. All I ask is EQUAL treatment, not special treatment, for everyone. If we are such a minority, why do all the radical left, secular tinfoil hat wearing people say that the Christian vote changed the outcome of the election? Surely one minority cannot do that. It is not like we were embraced by any other "minority" to help further our cause. Would that be because we are a very unique group and most other groups do not follow our theology and ideology?

I had an employee a few years ago who was a Wiccan, Pagan, polytheist, whatever you care to call it. I am not bashing it, nor did I when she sheepishly told me what her beliefs were. I began to be curious about Pagan beliefs, so I l researched it on the internet and found a wealth of info. Now to be fair, the code they are supposed to live by is a moral code. However it leaves a lot to interpretation, since it is a code, man inspired, not God or (god) breathed, like the Christian bible. The code "Do what ye wish, but harm no one" is a nice idea, but not practical. How do you know what you are doing is not harming anyone? I mean let's say you are a single man, not dating and you aquire some pornography (of the adult kind, not anyting illegal). You go home and view it. Who is harmed? You did what you wanted, and people benefited from the sale, people made money, we all win, right? Well, under the Wiccan code, this is acceptable, but they do not realize that the pornography that was legally purchased helped exploit someones daughter, sister, mother, aunt, cousin, or even grandmother. Harm no one? Right.

I know this post was a little helter-skelter, and am sorry for leading you that way. I just needed to vent a bit.

1 comment:

Malori said...

Yes, the way Christians are treated is so....I can't think of a word. At Christmas time, one didn't see "Merry Christmas" signs in stores: rather, "Happy Holidays." However, don't Christians make up the majority of the nation's population? Most people celebrate Christmas, so why not just say "Merry Christmas" and just hope that whoever you're saying it to is Christian?? And also, the Christmas tree being called a "Holiday tree." That was ridiculous. (Note: the Jewish menorah is still allowed to be called a menorah, not a "religious candle holder" or something of the sort.)