Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tub Of Lard

Part of the signing up for benefits at work is getting a "health coach" from WebMD (this whole process saves me $300 a year on my medical bennies...whoo hoo!). While I am in pretty good shape (not Sig9 good, but not bad for a 43 y/o who has had some minor back surgery) I knew exercise and diet were some things I needed to work on. So I signed up, got my $300 benefit bonus bucks, and let the "Health Coach" (who I was told by the CS rep, had a "Mastorate"...I am not a smart man and I had not heard of that term before....Mastors, yes, Doctorate, yes, Mastorate, no) call me. We discussed my eating and exercise habits and found out...surprise - I am "fat", or overweight by about 15 pounds.

Most people who see me full clothed (read: EVERYONE but my wife and doc) had no idea that my 5'10" frame carried around about 190 pounds. While I am no Adonis, I am somewhat muscled in the upper body and legs. However when the shirt comes of, the first thing you notice is my "ice cream gut"...which is where those 15 pounds are hiding.

The health coach told me to keep a food and and exercise diary to help me get a handle on my eating habits and since I had a physical yesterday, I figured yesterday was a good day to start. So, I started filling in the health journal WebMD mailed me and was off.

Later that day while searching for the number of calories in a 3 ounce portion of Perch, I found The Daily Plate at . Not only does it have lists of foods by their name brand, but it also has many restaurant menus listed. Being rather curious, I signed up for a free account and started logging my food from yesterday. After entering in some info on my height, weight, and weight loss goals, I was informed I could eat about 2200 calories a day if I wanted to lose one pound a week. Since I am a slow and steady kinda guy, that is the plan I selected.

Yesterday I clocked in just at the total number of calories allowed and still lose my pound this week. I was about 50% higher than recommended in levels of sodium and 8% too high in fat. Everything else was good. This looks like a nice tool to help track my weight lose.

I won't know the results of my physical until the blood work comes back but my guess is that my cholesterol will be a bit high...everyone in my family seems to battle that although my blood pressure was in the "normal" range.

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