Thursday, November 20, 2008

10 Days

I have been tracking my diet (food journal) at on a section called "The Daily Plate". While far from perfect, the tool does list quite a few foods by name brand and also many restaurant items as well. It makes keeping track of my food intake a lot easier.

After tracking my diet for 10 days, I have notices this. Per the FDA guidelines:

* I have only been above calories one day (14th)
* I have been above the suggested fat intake two days (14th and 19th)
* I have been above the suggested cholesterol levels on two days (15th and 17th)
* I have been above the suggested sodium levels on five days (11th, 12th, 14th, 17th, and 19th)
* I have been above my suggested carb intake only once (14th)
* I have only consumed the suggested fiber amounts once (19th)
* I have exceeded the protein quota every day but one (19th)

After studying 10 days worth of data I have determined I really need to increase my fiber intake (fruits and veggies) and cut back on the boxed/frozen foods that are high in sodium. I also need to cut my protein intake some. The days I exceed my quota I am doing so by 50% or more. One day (14th) I was at 200%. Yeah, the 1th was a bad day. Fat, calories, sodium, carbs...I really took the prize then. If I remember correctly, I had pizza for dinner that day and a huge bowl of granola for breakfast. Lunch included one pint of chocolate milk and some Parmesan cheese pasta...lots of fat and sodium.

This exercise in monitoring my food intake has been very helpful and I plan on continuing for as long as I can.

Pray for me. I need help in eating more fresh fruit and veggies and less protein, fat, and salt.

One other part of this is to track how much exercise I get. Normally it is only walking th dog and my geocaching but I did go jogging once last week and did some push ups and sit ups. I did more than I was used to so I was a bit sore the next day...

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