Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Race To The White House

I have not politi-blogged in a while. While some of the news is interesting, I really have not bee compelled to blog about it. However yesterday I did some thinking about our choices for the presidency.

The candidates running frighten me. While I realize that no candidate will be the "ideal" choice for the bulk of America, that candidate should reflect the views (or the majority thereof) of the citizens. Initially I thought I had made up my mind on who I wanted, but lately I am not sure. I also thought I knew what I wanted in a candidate, but again, lately I am not so sure.

My candidate needs to have a tough stance on border/homeland security...that I am positive of. He/she also needs to have a pro-life stance on abortion. The candidate should favor a small government (which less spending supports). Those things are important to me. The candidate should also understand the constitution in regards to religion. While I do not want to see a theocracy, I feel that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values (monotheism, morals, etc) and our laws should reflect that.

Early on I had supported the presidents choice to invade Iraq, but I get the feeling that what we think Iraq needs is not what they think they need. I am not sure the people in that part of the world are ready for a democracy of any kind. They are so used to living under tyranny that they do not know how to deal with real freedom. Should our troops stay there and keep trying or should we turn it all over to the fledgling government and let them deal with it? I am torn.

Our economy is also important to me. I have a small IRA and a larger 401k plan that has lost all of last years gains over the past 2 weeks. These are not bad funds mind you, but ones that historically have grown over the years. It hurts to see my money go poof!

While not a die hard Republican, I have voted Republican in the past (I am a registered Independent) and could vote Republican again if the candidate is right.

Thompson and Romney both looked good for awhile, but lately Huckabee has gained momentum. Guilianni is not even on the radar for me and my wife since he supports a woman's right to choose and we are both pro life.

My wife is leaning towards Huckabee and I am favoring Ron Paul, currently, however I still have a lot of research to do. I do not want to make a blind choice.

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