Thursday, December 13, 2007


I found this reader comment on Michelle Malkins's blog:

"Let me see if I have this straight.
If you name your son Muhammad, but strangle your daughter to death for not wearing a hajib, you’re devout.
If you name a teddy bear Muhammad, you must be jailed, lashed and perhaps beheaded.
I think my head is going to explode. Maybe Rosie O’Donell can explain why Islam is moderate and Christianity is extremist, because I’m lost."

Maybe someone more intelligent than I am (e.g. most of my readers...) can explain this to me. BTW if you do nto read MM's blog, you need to.

On a side note, I received my free copy of the Qur'an the other day from a group in Houston. I was amazed how quickly it arrived. Had this been something I needed from our state or federal government, I would have waited weeks.

The copy I ordered is fro educational purposes. Anytime I find a quote that is referred to I want to look it up and put it in context.

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