Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It Has Been Three Days

...since my last update. I guess the reason has been the workload, which is about the same as it has been the last two weeks. As usual, my colleague and I are in the thick of the issues and we are doing pretty well, even if he is on call this week. The number of issues has been the same, but the stress has been less. For that I am thankful.

The guy who took over my old job had announced that he was quitting, but it appears that he took the offer of a weeks vacation to see if quitting was what he really wanted to do. The stress on the poor guy has been very high and to be honest I was expecting him to snap. I know that when I did that role, I was ready to quit myself. No one likes to be on call and available 24x7x365...and that is what the role demands. Now according to one of the mid level mgrs, this has been redueced to 8x7x365...but I am not sure how long that will last. if a customer is awake somewhere in the word, we have to be as well.

My Linus box seems to be running well. I turned on Compiz effects (medium amount) and it slows down the boot by a few seconds and apps launch a touch slower, but the effects are worth it to me. Now if I ahd a slower machine, then I would have to turn them off.

The weather has returned to 60-70 during the day and 30's at night. It is supposed to be dry all week long until Sunday, meaning my wife and I can Geocache this weekend as a team again. I am looking foreward to that. Sunday is is supposed to rain.

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