Monday, December 17, 2007

Looking Forward To Monday

Most people do not like Monday's, but this week I was looking forward to it. Monday means I am off call. The only bad news is I go on call in three weeks instead of four due to a scheduling snafu. Yeah, I am on call the week of New Years (at least I am off the week of Christmas)...the week our customers close the books for the previous year. Any bets on how that week will go?

I got called five or six times this weekend. On Friday night, someone in Canada called (along with three colleagues) stating they could not connect to e-mail. Had the customer read their e-mail, they would have known about the maintenance that was taking place during that time.

On Saturday morning, I go a call regarding a web service that had failed yet again (the fourth time in a week). By the time I was notified, our global team was already working on it, so I was free.

Sunday afternoon and into the evening I was called every few hours regarding e-mail in the US. Had most of these people read their mail, they would have known about the maintenance on the US servers during that time. Only the last call was a valid issue and it was still related to the maintenance (the server needed rebooted). I did get a call from one of the techs telling me DNS was not working properly on the customer domain. At the moment it did not affect customers so I called the tech who handles DNS issues and left him a message. I figured that if I got a customer call I could always follow up with the tech.

I slept well until 1:30 AM when I got up to use the toilet. Once I got up I could not fall asleep for a couple of hours. I had this happen once before a few weeks ago. I was dead by the end of the day.

Since I am not on call, I am very much interested in finalizing my Christmas shopping today if at all possible. It really does not feel like Christmas around our house. We have not decorated in a few tree, lights, wreath...nothing. My wife has taken a very anti-secular stance and does not want to get into all the decorating. I am sure that I could get her to change her mind but I am not sure it is worth the hassle.

I have really enjoyed walking the neighborhood and looking at all the lights. There aer some great displays in our town.

I called mom last night and she informed me that our son, Soldier Boy, had stopped in for a visit. I am glad that he finally made it in to see her. It has been a long time.

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