Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cold Winter Dreams

What gives with the Texas weather? 80 degrees one day, 30 the next, 70 the day after, 30's the next. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Monday was a pretty busy day for us. we had seven high severity request...six before 8:30 AM. Usually that many requests coming in have several that are related but according to those who know...that is not the case. I am glad Tuesday was a lot quieter...we only had three requests, which is the normal amount.

I have hidden a couple geocaches in the past 3 days. One is hidden in a park near our house and one is hidden in a park near my work. Both were found the same night they were published. Some grocachers are serious when it comes to being FTF (First To Find). I am glad I am not that addicted.

I am still watching season one of "Heroes". It is not bad...some epi's are better than others but overall I like it. It can be dark, but it is also humorous in places. It has piqued my curiosity enough I will watch season two when I can get it.

I really have not been in a blogging mood so bear with me as I go through this phase. I am sure it will pass.

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