Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Let's Play Catch Up...

Not sure where to begin since it has been a while since I last blogged and I am not much for going back and re-reading my own posts :) .

I have been going to physical therapy and doing all the exercises that my PT has told me to do. I have been doing them every day, with the exception of the last two days. It is not that I do not want to...I think I pulled a muscle...and it is somewhat embarrassing.

The PT has given me a list of a few exercises to do at home and I skipped a couple that just seemed too easy. I then had reservations so I went back and did them but I think I over did it. I can move just a certain way and I get this incredible sharp, burning pain. I decided not to do the exercises that I THINK were aggravating it, but it seems thy are all interconnected so many of them will hurt me if I do them. I feel like such a hypochondriac. Every time I turn around SOMETHING else goes wrong, but it is not imaginary. The pain is real. I guess I have to tell my PT tomorrow...oh this is going to be embarrassing.

Work has been going pretty well, although there have been some very hectic days that were over before I knew it. I am still doing the same basic tasks, but a few more things have been added. They have asked me to work on installing some software on some servers on the east coast, but any software we install needs to be done after business hours and frankly I am not available to do much then. I guess my TL will talk with me today on this and we can see what to do.

I had coffee with "Ben"* last Thursday. We talked about many things, one of them being his addiction to adult material. All men are susceptible to the allure of pornography and the battle can be very difficult, even on good Christian men. I let him borrow a book that gave 40 bible bases reasons to resist adult material. It was designed to be a daily devotional, but he breezed right through it and loaned it to his son, who is struggling with the same issues. He then went and ordered 2 copies, one to replace mine and one for himself.

After we chatted about his issue, I opened up to him about one I am having. While not adult in nature, it is still one that I feel very bad about. I told him how I was feeling and what I was doing and he understood. I told him that his input was valuable and I welcomed it, even if it might bruise my feelings a bit. He confided that he has to do a very similar thing although it appears he is better at it than I am. I know this is cryptic, but I want my problems to be my problems, at least until I can get them worked out...and they are. I am making progress and I expect 2-3 months from now I should see some positive results.

Having coffee with "Ben" is a great fellowship. As a man, he understands struggles men face. He is technical by nature, a bit of a smart alec, cynical and sarcastic. He is much like I am, but he is much better about tempering it with reality and spirituality...something I need to work on. We can chat about work, family (we both are married with grown children) and of course, scripture. I hope he goes to the men's retreat this year. I think it would do us both good. He is one of the few people at church I can talk to.

Speaking of church, our church has to change its name for legal reasons. We are working on "faith Fellowship" as a strong contender, but we have to check to see if it is registered anywhere in the county. There was a prayer meeting on this but I did not attend because I was at a house warming party for our friends in Anna, TX. There was a ton of food and we had a fantastic time. I got to meet his younger (well one of his younger ones) brother and we chatted a while. Nice guy who works for Nestle` in the baby food/formula division. He gets to travel internationally 4-6 times a year so that was an area we chatted about.

Well, I think that is about it. Everything else is just normal day to day stuff. Cleaning, mowing grass, walking the dogs...well the dogs are a little different. They are both on medication for allergies and the bigger one has a foot infection while the littler one has an ear infection. Not sure how. They are indoors most of the time and well cared for. Oh well.

*Not his real name.

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