Friday, May 19, 2006

All Friday's Need to be Like This, Pain Sucks, and a Message From a Soldier

I am sitting at work in shorts (nice walking shorts) at 10:45 AM on a Friday morning. I will be leaving in about an hour (yea...working only a half day) so I can attend the Men's Retreat this weekend. The event is for our church and if it is anything like last year, it will be fun.

The only drawback I can think of is my health. I still am having that "twinge" many times a day (but it is not constant, thankfully!) and it is beginning to bother/worry me. I have talked to many people about it and most of them think it is a nerve issue, since the pain does not always occur doing the same movement. I can bend a certain way one day and hurt and do the same thing the next and not hurt. I can twist to the left and hurt and then twist to the right and not hurt, but the later that day the pain occurs when the opposite movement is made. Weird.

I got a text message from our son last night / this morning and he is going on his first convoy as the drive of a big truck. He also gets to take his turn at the .50 cal machine guns. Lucky kid ;) . He has sounded very positive when we talk to him. He called us three times while we were on vacation to check in. While the reception at the beach was bad, it was nice to chat with our only son.

It has been steady, but not overly busy at work, although I just *know* several tickets are going to come in this afternoon for me. I know this because I sent one back to the help desk that should have been *six* separate tickets and they were all lumped into one. Not only would I not get credit for the work I did, one person could hold up the closing of six issues. The help desk has been very bad about these sorts of things lately. So when the help desk gets done making one into six, I will have six tickets to work first thing Monday morning. Joy. Well, that is not bad, really. I am very much a junior admin (heck, infant is more like it) who is learning and the cases I take are pretty basic admin things (adduser, rmuser, modify groups, etc). I have done some more advanced stuff under a watchful eye of my TL, but those are not very common.

Feh, my TL just came in and told me the local site mgr for the NC office is mad because I closed two cases he had open. The reason I closed them without fixing them? They were duplicates of two other cases that were assigned to the local site admin. He was already working them. Anyhoo, the LSM is having a meeting with my boss and TL on this. I told my TL that I stand by my decision and it is (in my opinion) illogical to keep 4 tickets open when two is one too many. He agrees, but you know how customers are, they end up being right most of the time, whether they are or not :)

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