Wednesday, May 03, 2006

One of "Those" Days...

Today has been a small challenge. It is not anything major, but it is all the little things that seem to really make this day a very long one...and it is only 12:30 PM, CDT.

I started the day off right...a little sleepy, but my sleep was restful. I did my normal routine, including about half of my stretches, since I am still getting those sharp intense pains every now and then. Muscle or nerve, I do not know...

I grab a Monster energy drink (since I did not have my normal cup of joe), down my meds (is that smart/safe to do?), eat my breakfast and go to therapy.

Therapy goes very well and as I am leaving I tell the PT about the little problem I blogged about earlier. Surprisingly enough, he looked concerned. THAT worried me. He told me to stop doing ANYTHING that angers that area, so I agreed. I get in my truck and drive off. No pain as I get inside my Dakota, which almost always happens due to the angle I climb in.

Traffic SUCKS at 8 AM in the Dallas area. An accident makes it worse, so I get on the service road/feeder road to speed things up and to make a long story short, it saved me no time. Feh, no worries.

I get to work and pop my laptop into the docking station and power it up and log on. Great MANDATORY updates. I am already 1 hour later to work than normal (because I have PT on Wednesdays and Fridays) and I am going to be delayed by mandatory updates. Ok, I may as well go change clothes and put my lunch in the fridge. On the way to the breakroom, I drop my lunch and the container of strawberry-banana yogurt explodes, covering EVERYTHING in my bag with yogurt. I toss it in the fridge and head off to the men's room to change clothes.

I then head back to my desk, ignoring my lunch for now. I get back and log on again..the updates took, and I can start work. OUCH...what is that pain in my posterior? Oh no, I did not even do anything...I begin walking around and pain subsides. I go back to my desk.

The next 3 hours are a barrage of tickets, e-mails, and phone calls. Not to mention a the normal work of ticket dispatch and reports. Once I get a lull in the deluge of work, I go to the breakroom to see if I can clean off my lunch. I get about 75% done and my cell phone rings. Reception on this side of the building (on the inside) is horrid, so I leave my lunch in the sink while I take the call. I do not recognize the number, but that is not unusual. It turns out to be my son. He is at AIT, but he has not started yet. The others who were supposed to start have been delayed and they cannot start without them. So my son and 3 others are in the processing station with NOTHING to do for a week.

We had a good chat and I bring him up on what is going on. I tell my son I love him and I go back inside. My lunch is still in the sink (AMAZING!) and I clean it off. The only loss is the yogurt, so no extra calcium today. I get back to my desk and start working on some monitoring software our servers are running. We have about 10 servers (out of 100 or so) that are not responding properly. My TL asks me to look into it. No big issue, except I have no clue what I am doing and I am the Unix noob of the group. So I bite the bullet and start. It turns out one of the admins in Colorado is looking into his four so that leaves me with six. Three of the six are not bad...just adding a couple of lines to the config files and restart the services. They seem to work. The last three are weird. One will not let me log in, another is missing a few files, and the third appears that the software is not even installed. I tell my TL that maybe it would be better if someone with more experience looks at them. They are production servers and I do not want to have my butt fried for messing with them.

Finally, we get an e-mail from out TL asking if any of us are running any processor intensive operations on our main work server. I know I am not, but since I am on the list, I respond and tell him that I do not know of any but if he sees me doing anything wrong, to let me know ASAP.

I am sure I missed a few things, but no worries. I was able to cut our grass last night and need to do our neighbors soon. I hate letting it get out of hand. Maybe I can get it cut before I need to go to care group tonight. Not likely, but it is possible.

Well, I was interrupted to make a console cable for our tech lead, chatted with one of the veteran Unix guys and answered a few e-mails. Those server issues came back so I do not know if what I did meant anything or not.

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