Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Where Did They Come From?

Listening to arguments from various sources regarding the recent SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) decision regarding the posting of The Ten Commandments on Government property got me to thinking. If Constitution is to be honored as the primary legal document of the United States, then we were given certain rights by Our Creator, God. The Constitution explains these to us. The rights are not given by man, just enforced by our government.

Now let's look at this through different eyes, those eyes of our mislead brethren, the liberals. If God did not give us the rights as the Constitution says, but the rights are given to us by the government of the US, then the US has the right to take them away. If that is the case, why are the liberals so upset when a right we have is being perceived as in danger of being taken away? We know as Christians that,"The Lord giveth, and The Lord taketh away". If the Government gives, why can't it take away as well?

Now we know liberals do not want any form of religion anywhere near government, even though we were established as a nation on Judeo-Christian values. Many state government have constitutions that refer very heavily on verbiage about God. If that is the case and the we are to believe the way the liberals are interpreting the Constitution of the US, then all the state Constitution's are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I am not going to go into great detail, but I want you to think about the US Constitution, the state constitutions, freedom OF religion (not freedom FROM religion), and the liberals of the US (and the world for that matter). Liberals do not think religion has any place in government and that our Constitution spells that out. Those liberals are misinterpreting the document. It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." in regards to religious freedoms. Where do you see that you cannot have the Ten Commandments (which is honored among many religions as "sound doctrine") in a courthouse?

I realize I am not a constitutional lawyer, I am a layman. Judges INTERPRET the law, they do not write it.

1 comment:

Malori said...

Yes, many people misunderstand the meaning of the separation of Church and State. It doesn't mean that we leave God out of everything, it just means that Americans should not be forced into a religion. Our founding fathers firmly believed in God, and founded American principles on His Laws; therefore, we need to keep those principles because isn't God's Law eternal?
In reply to your comment, I actually do keep a travel journal every day, and some people might find it silly how I write about every little thing. Last summer at music camp I kept a journal, and people would always see me writing in it, and it made some curious and even try to read it! However, that did not stop me and I continued to journal even after I got home. It really does help with stress.