Thursday, June 02, 2005

Another Milestone

Last night, I finished the last chapter in my "1 to 1 Discipling" class. It is normally a 10 week class, but my mentor and I have pretty full schedules. It was difficult to meet every week, so it took longer than expected.

My mentor, Fred is a wonderful Christian man, who was raised in a Christian home. Upon our first meeting, we shared how we came to know Christ. He was surprised to learn of my past errors and seemed very surprised to see where I was in my Christian walk considering the short amount of time I have been a Christian. We were about as opposite as we could be when were were young, although our paths are much more aligned now.

Fred and his wife invited my wife and I over to their home for dinner before Fred and I began our last lesson. Fred and his wife had a chance to get to know my wife a bit better and we all shared some good conversation.

The meal was excellent and I but I was itchin' to get started on my final lesson, which was on obedience. It was a short chapter, but it had a lot of scripture to reference and questions to answer. It took a while to go over each question, but after we finished, he congratulated me and gave me a mentoring guide and asked me if I would consider mentoring someone. I was a bit surprised, but I told him I would be honored. I am no scholar in biblical matters, but I know the one simple truth that guides me: Jesus Christ Died For Me.

Fred was kind and said I made a great student, which made me a bit embarrassed. I am only the second student he has graduated in the past few years. He has 3 or 4 other students, but they are not very far along. I know their schedules are conflicting.

I think this was a great way to begin my vacation, which begins tomorrow. I will not be able to post as much as I like, but I am going to try.

1 comment:

Malori said...

I had to wait a little while to figure out exactly what to say in reply to your last comment, "May I ask how you found my blog in the first place?" I've decided that only the truth will do, but it's kind of a long explanation and I hope it doesn't sound like I've been sneaky or nosy.
I guess the basic way I found your blog was because I know your son, Matt. I met him a few months ago (in March) when he and some others from Allen H.S. joined the German folk dancing group my brother and I are members of. In a group email from a dance leader, I noticed that the suffix to Matt's email was "" I had never seen that before, and I looked it up and found your website, and consequently your blog.
So that's the story. I hope I don't sound deceptive, sneaky, sly, or whatever by pretending to not know who you were when, in reality, I'm friends with your son. I just wanted to remain anonymous. The reason I got a blog was so I could comment on yours and hopefully inspire you by what I wrote. I wanted to be your "anonymous angel." I think that I was called to comment that first time on your blog. I wasn't planning on revealing my identity anytime soon, and even if I met you someday, I decided that I'd keep on remaining anonymous with my blog. I know there was a reason I found your blog, and I think that it was to be a sister--or daughter, since I'm younger-- in Christ. I feel that somehow I'm supposed to help you, in some way, which would seem a bit backwards since you're my elder and I'm only a young, naive teenager. But God works through others in mysterious ways, so I guess this is how it's supposed to be.
I'm sorry to not be able to see Matt for the 11 weeks he's at Basic Training, although he said he would write to me. Even though I haven't known him very long, we became fast friends, perhaps because of our mutual love for God and for German folk dancing. I have to say that I'm very proud to have a friend who is in the Army, and I enjoyed getting to be friends with him.
Anyways, that's me, a fellow Texan.