Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Your Clothes Shouldn't Just "Fall Off"

No, I am not posting pics, as easy as that would be.

It looks like we have another wardrobe malfunction, this time involving Mariah Carey. I do not normally go to that web site, but it was linked from Matt Drudge's web site, "The Drudge Report". Thanks, Matt for letting us know the rich and famous can't keep their clothes on in public. Somehow this does not surprise me much.

Mariah is an entertainer. She moves a lot on stage. You would think that if this was not intentional that she would know to dress with that in mind. If you do not keep your parts in check, they are gonna escape when you start moving around. Makes sense, eh?

Why do women entertainers have to dress that way and act so surprised when these "accidents" happen? Don't they know that these types of things can happen?

Ok that makes 3 that I know of: Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Tara Reid. I am sure there will be more.

People wonder why we are getting rid of cable.

1 comment:

Malori said...

Ugh, that is so disgusting, though it doesn't surprise me, either. It's like our society has become immune to how people dress. We don't have cable, because 1) it's too expensive, 2) we never have time to watch TV anyway, and 3) most of the things on TV aren't worth watching. My grandma has cable, and we have enjoyed watching ESPN (well, my dad has), the Weather Channel (atleast it's clean!), and the old TV shows like Andy Griffith and Leave it to Beaver on TV Land. But I can't imagine having it at home. We'd be a bunch of lazy bums if we did...TV is addicting. There's so many other worthwhile things to do!