Friday, July 29, 2005

Just in Time for the World Cup

100 hookers will be ready to service the attendees of the 2006 World cup held in Berlin.

Sex for sale is legal in some parts of Europe. I know this is offensive to many. The world's oldest profession is just as hooked on capitalism as the US is. The World Cup draws thousands of spectators every year to cities all around the world where the event is held. Now that it is being held in Germany where prostitution is regulated and legal, a MAJOR amount of cash will be infused into the economy of Berlin.

In the US, the only state (that I am aware of) to have legalized prostitution is Nevada. No other state wants to go as far as NV has. American's are normally more conservative about sexuality than most Europeans, so I am sure that is part of the reason we do not have more legalized sex shops.

I often put on my secular hat to see what that crowd thinks about the legalization of prostitution in the US. Most of the men I ask see no big deal in it. Most women are disgusted by it...even from a secular perspective. This only stands to reason since men and women (even in a Christian context) view sex differently. That however is a topic for a different post.

I am sure you could make good arguments for legalizing the prostitution, just as you could for legalizing marijuana. I would listen, but I doubt I would agree. Now the big question is, if prostitution were made legal, how would this affect the male Christian community. It is not secret some Christian males have problem with this sort of thing in the first place. Getting caught today would mean a fine and public shame. If prostitution were made legal, would that open the door for more men to seek the "comfort" or "escape" in the bed of a whore? It might. Christian men will have weaker flesh than Christian women. That is a fact. The only fear they would have would be of their wives/girl friends finding out. What about single Christian men? If they do not have an accountability partner, then they are ripe for the picking. There is nothing more appealing to Satan than seeing one of God's children fall. That is what he lives for.

Several European countries have "red light" districts where men can "window shop" for exactly what they are looking for. I personally think it is a bit degrading. Women in the US are concerned about exploitation and women in Europe are fueling that same exploitation by selling their bodies for the almighty dollar (or franc, lire, kronor, pound, etc). To me this set women's rights back 100 years. If I heard a women in Europe say "we cannot get promoted in our company, because it is a male dominated place", I would think, "Hmmm...maybe women are not taken seriously because a few want to make a statement that selling their bodies to get somewhere is OK."

Getting back to the article, it was nice to read that the mayor is not happy with the decision. That is some comfort.

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