Monday, July 18, 2005


This has been around once before, but it looks like it is making a comeback. Read the article. I am not happy with what I am reading.

EBONICS is not a "foreign" language. It is black slang. When I hear it, I am immediately offended. The US has a defacto language and it is English. If that language is not acceptable then I suggest moving to Ebonia (I assume that is the country that Ebonics is spoken in...) and practice your mother tongue, Ebonics.

This whole idea is riddled with problems Why should a group of people who have been living in the US for hundreds of years be allowed to create their own language and have it become an OFFICIALLY taught language in school? EBONICS is not a language in Africa. If the people who want this are confusing laziness with culture, then The Asians and the Latino's can have a separate language (different from the languages in Asia and the Hispanic countries) all to their own and we can teach that as well. For our Asian-American citizens, including Michelle Malkin** :-) , we can make "Engrish" their official language and for our Latin brothers and sisters, "Spanglish" can be their's*.

Wait a minute. Why stop there? Computer Nerds can an Geekonics or Dweebonics . I am sure there are many other languages that could be created if we just put our mind to it.

Back to seriousness. If EBONICS is declared a language, it is going to move segregation back 200 years. It is not a good idea? By the way, who has a degree in EBONICS anyway? I thought you had to be educated in a subject before you could teach it.

I say that we should just kill off all languages except 1. Call it "Common", just like in the D&D games and everyone can speak it. No special skills. Make it very basic so that the people who have trouble learning languages can master it in a short period of time.

Wait a minute. I think I know what they are trying to do...they are using reverse psychology. The educators are thinking that if black American's really want to have their own language, they will have to take classes in it and learn it just like we do any other language, including English. This will be frustrating and prove that it is not a language issue, but a laziness issue.

After considering that, I be 100%% in favor of EBONICS!

* I do not intend to offend anyone culture with my statements. People who know me know that I embrace other cultures and languages.
** Michelle is one of my favorite columnists on the planet. You really need to read her blog.

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