Saturday, July 09, 2005

Big 'Ol Update

I am going to do one big post rather than several. Sorry if this is tougher on anyone who happens to read this, but it is my blog, 'k? :-)

First, I skipped my normal Tuesday evening volleyball game to go listen to Bishop EC Okoye from Nigeria give a lesson on prayer and fasting. It was very informative and it even got me to try it. Thursday evening, I skipped dinner and had a snack at about 9:30 PM. I went to bed that night knowing in my heart I needed to fast (my wife and I are struggling to figure out how to live on 1.2 incomes. Yes 1.2 . My wife has a part time job a few hours a week that we use as grocery money) to get some divine insight on our finances.

Before I went to bed, I grabbed my bible and headed out to the patio (it was late, 10-ish) to read and pray. After about 20-30 minutes I came in and started working on my Linux server (learning something like Linux is hard when you are old...) until about 1 AM Friday. I got up at 7-ish on Friday (not sure why since I was off that day) , walked the dogs and went out to help my wife trim the neighbors hedges and put down mulch (We only charged her for material, we donated the labor as a gift). We were done by noon or so. I had not had breakfast, coffee, or lunch at this point, only 40 ounces of water. When fasting, it is suggested that you limit your physical activity. I helped with some housework (laundry, vacuuming, changing the bedding, etc) and took 3-4 mini naps all day long. My body really zonks out if I do not eat every 6 hours or so, and this was the longest I had ever gone without food.

Before I took the dogs on their evening walk, my wife had begun preparing a late dinner of Mexican Chicken and Rice, one of my favorites. She did not know I was fasting (you are not supposed to announce to the world you are doing it. You can tell people AFTERWARDS, but is is not much of a sacrifice if you let people know. Anyoooo, after my wife started, she said she was given some divine insight that I was fasting and asked me, so I told her. It had been about 22 hours or so and I only had a couple more to go. I was hungry and weak. I had walked about 4 miles that day, worked out in the neighbor's yard, taken some junk to the dump, and a fair amount of house work. By 9:00 PM, I was ready for bed. I woke up at 11:00 PM a little hungry and since my fast was over, I allowed myself a small bowl of Mexican rice, a diet soda, and some yogurt. It is best to ease into fasting and ease out, which I did. I also prayed about 5 times during my fast as well as hit the bible (mostly Psalms) the same amount.

When I woke up, I was not overly hungry, but I allowed myself coffee and two small muffins. I walked about 2 miles or so and had a long talk with my wife about finances again, We are thinking about dropping cable, except for broadband to save money. We have not had the TV on in about a month or so and we have not missed it.

Next on my update is about my son. We received another letter from him Thursday and he was VERY upbeat and positive. He still misses everyone, but his resolve has grown stronger. He has taken it upon himself to become a bit of an Evangelist, speaking to about 20 of his platoon about Christ. He was able to witness to one young soldier and the soldier gave himself to Christ that following Sunday. I am so proud of him. I send him pictures of people he knows every now and then and I think he appreciates it.

He mentioned wanting to write to his friend Jory, who is also at BT right now. Jory's step-dad and his mother used to attend our church, but they have since moved on. I hope Lane responds to my e-mail requesting Jory's military mailing address.

I have been getting some updates from the newest addition to my spiritual family, "An-Anonymous-Angel". Although she is only 17, she is very wise for her years. Anyhooo, AAA has been kind enough to send me (and others as well) updates from her vacation. She is very involved in the German culture with dance and language and I am guessing other areas as well. I love getting updates and reading her Blog. She is a primary reason I continue to blog today. I was almost ready to close my blogger account when I got an anonymous e-mail from her encouraging me to continue. I was floored. Here I was a 40 year old "re-born again" (this is not a misprint, I gave my life to God 10 years ago, but I never FULLY gave it to him until 2004) who was being encouraged by someone, who I thought from reading her mail, a 20 something child of God. Me, an infant in the spiritual sense, being edified and a minor inspiration to someone, YOUNGER than me in age but much older in the spiritual sense. Wow.

Sorry to drone on about that, but AAA has given me an uplifted spirit and it is hard to contain at times. I hope she excels in quest of music. She has a heart of gold. She is exactly the type of gal I would want my son to marry (and respect).

I wanted to add one thing about the bombings in London. It pains me to know that terrorists are targeting civilians like this. This last attack was a well thought out and coordinated plan. Did you know that each of the 4 bombs used less than 10 lbs of explosives? The three subway bombs went of within 50 seconds of each other.

My heart and prayers go out to citizens of the UK. You have been relatively terror free for several years (the IRA has been a bit quiet, thankfully) and you now are facing the same threat we are. God Bless You and Protect You.

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