Thursday, July 21, 2005

More Bombings

Citizens of London were treated with more bombings or attempts at bombings today. Prime Minister Tony Blair says incidents designed "to scare people and frighten them". DUH! That is the definition of "terrorist". Mr. Blair is making himself sound silly. Which reminds me, Matt Drudge had a link to (I think) of a video that Greenpeace has put together asking Blair not to be GWB's puppet. The video was very graphic and I will not link to it. All I will say is that blair is depicted as a puppet dressed up as a prostitute, who gets picked up by GWB, taken to a hotel and the puppet performs a rather lewd act on President Bush. the final scene is the most disturbing part, where a gas pump is depicted as a phallic device. I think Matt Drudge could have left the link to that video alone. BAD MATT!

I do feel sorry for the citizens of the UK. They are now caught up in the terror struggle as many other countries have. They have been dealing with the IRA bombings for years, but those have backed off some. Now they are dealing with the Islamo-fascists radicals. It is going to get ugly over there. One man even stated that this is the start of a 50 years Islamic war on the west. I hope he is wrong. (Kudos to Michelle Malkin)

I decided earlier this week to fast today. While I officially started at midnight, I have not eaten since 5:30 PM yesterday, so I am going on 18 hours without food, only water. I will continue today until midnight, then I may eat a light meal. I wanted to spend some time today in prayer, but that has not been easy (I have only prayed once so far, but read some from Psalms as well). We have been busy with several things I needed to work on, plus my boss has me following up on a few things as well.

I should be able to get so praying at my lunch time. I just have to remember to drink lots of water. I have consumed 40 ounces of water so far, and I do not feel bad. A little hungry, but not too bad. I hope to be able to fast 1-2 times a month for 24 hours. if I get a stretch where I am not working, I might try 48 hours. I have a need to keep my sugar level higher than most, but I am usually not to bad as long as I rest during the day.

* Please pray for my job situation and for people whom I care about greatly who are not Christians.

I have avoided the message board and the chat room where "Flute" hangs out. I miss it, but I think I need to purge myself of some of that activity.

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