Monday, October 27, 2008

Throwing My Vote Away

Well, that is what my dad would have called it. My wife and I voted early (Tuesday last week) and while my wife voted straight republican, I did not.

I just could not bring myself to vote for either Sen Obama or Sen McCain so I voted third party for Baldwin/Castle. My dad would have thrown a fit.

My father (who is deceased) always thought that if you did not vote Dem or Rep, you were wasting your vote. I always disagreed with him and it caused some very interesting arguments. I know that the popular vote does not elect the president and no matter who I vote for, the Electoral College has the last say. So with that in mind, I voted to let the college know not everyone voted for "the lesser of two evils". The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Baldwin is not perfect but he closely resembles what I want to see in a president.

I voted my conscience.

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