Thursday, October 09, 2008

Medication Changes And Other Updates

I have been taking Zyrtek D and Flonase for a little over a week and the difference between then and now is like night and day. Breathing and sleeping peacefully is a Godsend!

After taking both meds for a week (and being low on Zyrtek D) I decided to skip a dose yesterday and again this morning. So far I cannot tell any real difference by just using Flonase. I am still able to breathe at night and I wake up refreshed. No major sneezing and no infection that I can tell. I still have the sinus drip in the back of my throat causing a mild cough now and then, but I still feel great 24+ hours on only one med.

I am not a big meds person so I try to take as little as I can. Flonase has worked because it is just two sprays in each nostral once a day. It is a steroid, but it is safe enough for kids to use, so I am not worried.

I have been on call for the past few days and worked solo yesterday. The calls have not been bad but the really nice things is that I get a day off tomorrow to go to a men's retreat at Lake Texhoma with the guys from church. My TL traded weekends with me so I will have to make up the time next month but that is a small price to pay to get away again. Who knows, maybe I will even do some geocaching in the area...there several nearby.

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