Friday, September 05, 2008

Something To Keep In Mind

There has been a lot of press regarding the nomination of Sarah Palin as VP of the USA. I have read a lot of blogs (both professional and personal) that tend to get a simple fact confused:

Sarah Palin is not running against Barack Obama for President of the US. She is the VP candidate for the Republican ticket. Comparing Sarah Palin to BHO is inaccurate. Please keep all the comparisons in order, BHO/McCain and Biden/Palin. If you want to comment on how good of a VP Palin will be, compare her to her opponent, Joe Biden. The same goes with Barack Obama. If you want to sing his praises, then compare him to McCain...apples to apples.

It drives me absolutely crazy to see BHO being contrasted and compared to Sarah Palin.

Now to be fair, you can do a "what if" on Palin. "What if John McCain kicks the bucket after 8 months in office...can Palin do the job? Would she do a better job than BHO?"

That is a pretty good and a fair question. Information has been surfacing that Palin ran her governership like a popularity contest rather than an executive office. Wether that info is true of just disinformation, I do not know.

Again, I like the personae of Sarah Palin. She has a lot of qualities that I think most people can admire. I believe she is a good mayor and we all know the majority (80%) of the population of Alaska approve of her, but can she fill the shoes of a dead president, if things go that way?

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