Monday, September 15, 2008

Off The Hook

I wish all my on-calls were like my last one. I did not get called all weekend long and the calls during the week were few. As a matter of fact, the week was rather light compared to the past couple of months. While we did have a few lingering issues (just like today), there were no frantic calls at 2:00 AM asking to have a server rebooted or a report of a network being down...although one call did come in at 4:00 AM. While that issue was a mess, at least it was resolved with minimal problems.

The only other notable issue was the hurricane that tore through the Texas Gulf. While it had little effect on us (it was about two hours east of us) we did wind and rain, although it was minor. The real damage is being realized today as the gulf area of several states is being investigated and searched. It looks pretty grim. About the only plus that I can see is that the impact to oil and gas production will be a lot lower than expected. I am glad I filled up on Friday at Kroger ($3.33/gallon) since now it is $3.60/gallon and rising.

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