Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I Am Hank Hill

I just became a fan of "King of the Hill" last year and for a long while I was the only one to watch it. My wife did not seem to care for it even though it portrays middle class small city (as opposed to small town) Texas pretty well. Heck you could substitute Arlen for the town we live in and it would be a pretty good fit.

Over the past couple of months I have noticed a change in my wife as she has started to watch King of the Hill on a more frequent basis. I was even told that she watched it most every day while I was out of town visiting family and friends. I began wondering why my wife, who is usually anti-anything that I like, now races me to the TV at 6:00 PM CDT to watch the latest mis(adventures) of Hank Hill and his family and friends and then it hit me. I am Hank Hill.

I think that is the attraction. Now my wife is no Peggy and our son is certainly no Bobby (my wife is not bookish smart and my son is not effeminate at all) and our neighbors do not resemble Dale, Bill, or Boomhauer but I am for all intents and purposes, Hank Hill...right down to my mid sized pickup truck (I prefer Dodge over Ford) and glasses. Heck, we even both suffer from DGS (look that one up on the Hank Hill Wiki) or at least so says my wife. We both even had cantankerous fathers.

We were both athletes in high school, although his claim to fame is much greater than mine. He played football (it figures...he is from Texas) while I ran track. He of course was not born in Texas and always thought he was whereas I was not born in Texas and never wished so.

Hank and I share a penchant for "Farmer's Tans", grilling over propane versus charcoal, and love our family very much. We both attend church (Hank is a Methodist and I am non-denominational), and we both have and dote over dogs (which are geriatric). We are both conservative, Republican, and consider our wives to be our best friends. Also, we consider loyalty to be a very important and endearing quality.

To be honest there are a lot of differences between Hank and myself. For one, I do not sell propane but I have supported the same customer for 12 years. I am not a football fan (actually I do not like any professional sport) but I am a huge college basketball fan, especially the NC Tarheels. I have never smoked (other than a few tries in high school) but I did dip snuff for a few years.

Also Hank tends to be a bit naive, where I am a bit more cynical. When angered, quite often threatens to "kick someone's ass" as where I don't threaten...I would just do it (if I were so inclined. I have not been in a fight in quite a long time).

So, which King of the Hill character are you?

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