Thursday, August 07, 2008


"We can't drill our way out of this problem." As in:

1. The bank account is about to be overdrawn. We can't deposit our way out of this problem.

2. Your bedroom is a mess. You can't tidy up your way out of this problem.

3. I'm hungry. I can't eat my way out of this problem.

4. We're out of food. We can't go grocery shopping our way out of this problem.

5. We are disgusting, fat tubs of goo. We can't exercise our way out of this problem.

Courtesy of American Digest dot Org

No, I realize that drilling is not the complete solution, but I liked it nonetheless.

Oh here is one more:

"When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring justice and equality to all, everyone said "Praise the Lord." And when the young leader said, "I will be for change and I'll bring you change," everyone yelled, "Viva Fidel!"

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