Friday, August 01, 2008

I Should Have Expected That

After blogging about the high cost of electricity yesterday, I noticed a large increase in visits to my blog. One visitor in particular was from TXU, the local "primary" electricity provider...the one most people use by default.

Yes, the cost of electricity is high. I am concerned that not only is the price is high but the demand will be as well. Why hasn't the federal government helped the situation by offering better rebates/grants to people who get solar/wind power? The grants are very limited and the amount that is covered is TINY compared to the overall cost.

If money was no object and I could start over, my home would have solar and wind power. With the way the wind blows around here, would doubt that I would have much trouble keeping the batteries charged. And of course we all are aware of how much sunshine we get here in the Dallas-Forth Worth area...painfully aware.

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