Friday, December 31, 2004

Sure...blame America.

The title irritated me, but once I read it, I laughed. Eventually America will be blamed for everything. Before you get to upset, remember that the envious are the first to say bad things about good people. The United States is the richest nation in the world, and most of the world hates us for it. We are blessed beyond imagination and those who are less fortunate than ourselves have to lash out to save face, since they have little compared to us.

Now with that said, we (citizens of the US) are arrogant, wasteful people who have no idea how good we have it. My wife knows. She went on a mission trip with our old church to Matamoros, Mexico to help build homes for the poor. She came back humbled. The pictures she took did not give a clear representation of what she witnessed. She cried at night. She was sad during the day. It clearly had changed her. She knows how good we have it here.

Now on a side note, I think this quake/tsunami was a message to us from our creator. He is giving us clear signs that he wants us to shape up. Asia is not a hotbed for Christian activity (most are Buddhist and Muslim), but there are missionaries there. Ever notice where a large number of deaths occur from natural disasters? Asia.

Food for thought | Fuel for the fire

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