Monday, December 13, 2004

Scott Peterson -- Death Penalty

I am sure you have heard that Scott Peterson has been found guilty and sentenced to death by a California jury (not that he will ever be executed in THAT state) and many of you are probably very relieved. I am not. I am not convinced he killed his wife and unborn son. Oh, don't get me wrong, in my opinion, he is a slimeball. What kind of man cheats on his pregnant wife (at Christmas time at that), goes fishing on the night she reportedly disappears and lies to police? I just do not like the fact he was convicted and sentenced to death on circumstantial evidence. There was no hard evidence linking Scott Peterson to the death of Laci and the unborn child. Do I think he knew about her death? Yes, I do. Did he killer her? I am not sure, but I am leaning towards no.

I struggle with this. I am not in favor of the death penalty unless there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt proving so. We are talking about a man's life here (no matte how sorry it may be...).

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