Monday, December 27, 2004

Can Christmas Last All Year Long?

First off, I know I do not update this often. Contrary to popular belief, I do not live in front of my PC, although I am sure my wife would disagree.

BoT...Christmas time tends to bring out the best in many people and the worst in others. I found my heart being tugged on many times over the past few weeks (proof positive that God works on everyone, even a hot-head like me) by doing a RACK (Random Act of Christian Kindness) more often. Sometimes it was leaving a tip for an employee who may never get one (the maid who cleans the hotel room or the busboy who cleans your table), other times it was calling the police for someone who had been in a minor accident and did not have a mobile phone. I have been blessed to have had the oportunity (twice in 2 weeks) to call 911 for people who have been in mishaps. I even will pick up trash along the road. Last night I picked up a grocery bag full of it just on the short walk I take with my dogs to the elementary school and back.

Christmas can last all year long, if we all look at each other and do our part. Yes, we all get busy, and yes we have obligations, but being cordial, civil, and polite is not that time consuming and to be honest, it can be fun. The looks I get from people as I do the things I do makes me giggle. Most people do not have any idea how to react, simply because they have never been treated well by a stranger before.

Being kind to someone usually has a domino effect. You are kind to them and they are kind to someone else. If all goes as planned, that person continues the cycyle. It is wonderful to see that happen.

Do God, me, and your neighbors a favor. Practice RACK. Try it. It can be fun.

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