Sunday, December 12, 2004

Not Just Americans

For months (maybe years) we have been force-fed the idea that Islamic Terrorists hate Americans. We read in the news how Americans are terrorized both here and abroad. However, if you take a look at the back pages of your printed news or check out the various news web sites you will see that is this not 100% true. No doubt that the Islamic terrorists do hate us, but it is not just us they hate. They literally hate ANYONE who is not just like them. They not only bomb/kill/torture Americans, but they do the same to any Western culture that does not agree 100% with their ideas. They kill their countrymen, women, and possibly children in the name of their "faith". Even in Amsterdam, where almost anything goes, terror exists. A "radical" terrorist planned on bombing the red light district disguised as a pizza delivery man.

In Spain, the terrorists insisted that the Spanish troops pull out of Iraq or there would be more violence in Spain. The government gave in and removed the troops. Just a few months later, the attacks in Spain continued. What did the terrorists learn? What did the Spanish people learn?

I used to think the Islamic terrorists hated us because of our leaders. They did not like the way the American government operated, nor did they like the policies of our government. However, now I do not think that is the case. We as Americans are free to live most any way we choose. The Islamic terrorists want to be in control and we stand in the way. The US stands for freedom and democracy. The Islamic terrorist wants Islamo-Fascist theocracy. Freedom? Check it at the door.

The right to practice religion as you see fit is something I very much believe in. But if that practice harms any other person, then that right has been lost.

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