Monday, December 20, 2004

Fight for Your Child or Fight for Your Country?

Imagine being a father in the military (I think this is the National Guard). You get divorce and get custody of your only son and your ex-wife is ordered to pay child support. She becomes $6,000 in arrears on payment. You get remarried and the child becomes quite happy with your new wife, the child's step-mom. Next, you get called up to serve in Iraq. No problem, you say. My wife will take care of the child in my absence. NO! says the bio-mom, and she gets a lawyer to files (and gets) custody of your child. The kicker? All that back-child support means NOTHING. The entire time you are in Iraq, your pay will be tapped and support will be paid to your ex-wife.

It happened to a North Texas man. I wish I had the link, but I cannot find it. The soldiers last name was Wertz (not sure on the spelling...

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