Thursday, February 17, 2005


Good start in his new job, in my opinion. Porn is not a victimless crime. Every man, woman, and CHILD who participate in this industry has a mother, wife, or husband somewhere. Everytime you view an adult image on the web, you are exploiting another person.

"They are doing this voluntarily, and besides, they are getting paid good money for there skills." Bull. A lot of these people have no self esteem, are being pressured, bribed with money and drugs, promised a life of glamour. Many dream of a legitimate career, but few have done so. The on notable is Tracy Lords (I am not sure on the spelling and I cannot check it here from work). She is now a legitimate actress, although she still plays sleazy characters. Ms Lords started in the porn industry as a minor and got out shortly after becoming an adult. It was not her career of choice.

Christian men (and women) who view adult material thinking that no one is being harmed need to rethink this idea. WHO are those naked people on the screen, sweating and groaning? What if it was one of your kids? Your neighbor? Your wife? Would it still victimless?

"But my (insert relationship here) would never do that, we are good Christian people". So you are judging the people on your screen, deeming them inferior to you? How many "Christians" are arrested visiting prostitutes, molesting children, buying/renting/stealing pornography? Good people fail. We are all God's children.

I fought with this concept when I was younger, before I became a Christian. I figured since I was not paying for prostitutes and only looking at movies or other images, there was no harm. Heck, my ex-wife was really turned on by those things. But after becoming a Christian, I realized that God created sex for husband and wife to enjoy. It is a PRIVATE and beautiful thing. It is a gift (and a rather nice one at that) He wants you to have. The Enemy has twisted that into "Why should only married people have all the fun" and has convinced us that it is ok to view naked or semi-naked bodies of people other than our spouses. We see soda, beer, make-up, and fast food (there are many others...just turn on the TV) commercials using semi-clad people to get us to buy a product.

When my wife and I are watching live TV (as opposed to the stuff we tape), I tend to overt my eyes when the sexy commercials come on. My wife has noticed this. Although she has not said anything, I know she appreciates it. It is very difficult to keep your eyes away at times. We all like to see attractive things, and the human body can be very appealing. However if you look, you may be tempted to stare and once you get a second look, you have sinned.

There was a minister at a Methodist church I attended a few years ago who said during a sermon, "The Devil tempts me all the time with pretty women. He has never tempted me with ugly ones". Dr. Bob as he was known, has a good point. The Enemy knows what our weaknesses are. If you are easily distracted by short skirts and nice legs, he is going to have you encounter this daily. If you can keep your mind focused on the Lord when you see temptation coming, you will defeat the Enemy. All he has to corrupt you are lies. If you do not believe the lies, he cannot win.

Enough ranting. Enjoy your day!

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