Monday, January 31, 2005

Be a hooker or lose your unemployment benefits. That is pretty bad, tasteless, tacky, rude, and disgusting. Let's see, you are on unemployment, you are under 55 years old and you cannot find a job, so get offered a job in the sex industry. If you do not take it, you lose your unemployment benefits. Crazy Germans.

Has a nice ring to it, huh? Speaking of rings, did you see
this story? The name of the company pushing this is "Wicked Wireless". Need they say more?

It is not hard to see the downward spiral we are in as a Christian community. Pornography is not even taboo enough to keep out of the mainstream. Jenna Jameson has a book out and it can most likely be found in your local library, where any hormone charged teen can see it.

BTW, I have not dropped off the face of the planet. Work has kept me very busy with a new project and by the time I get home and do the husband/father/pet owner tasks, do my nightly projects (care groups at church, volleyball, 1 on 1 Descipling, and a pet project I have started), it is soon time for bed. I feel every bit of my 39 years of age.

Oh, today I have a great cold, but I am at work....always the trooper.

Anyhooo.. these should keep you ocuppied for a while. It will at least give you some info to help you out with you kids.

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