Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I do not seem to have the drive to blog as much as I once did, which in some cases may be a good thing. It keeps my out of state (but not out of mind) friends from growing bored with my posts. Nonetheless I do need to make a concerted effort to keep this as current as I can. So, with that in mind I bring you up to date.

My last real entries were shortly after returning from WV to visit family and friends. Some of it was venting (or "wenting" as Svenne would say) and some of it was just my normal jabbering on and on regardin my experiences. Not much more, if anything, to add there.

My wife contracted a local group to clean and stain our cedar fence. I could do it but I would not get it done as quickly as this team but truth be told, I have my concerns on what to expect. This company did the initial staining and I was not impressed with the results. When they came out this time to prep the fence (using a bleach mixture), they did not really clean it. There are still spots of bird poo on the posts and they failed to replace the caps they knocked off during the "cleaning" process. They even left a greasy stain in the driveway that I was able to remove. Nonetheless they are to arrive within the hour to stain our 4-5 year old cedar fence. Pray for me!

One item that has occured within the past few weeks is that my wife's boss sent me a rather substantial check for the computer work I have done for him off and on over the past three years. I have never charged him since my wife gets more hours given to her than she works, not to mention a more than fair bonus each year. I figured that we were even so I never pressed the issue. The receipt of a check for my services was more than I expected. I thanked him in person at church and he just smiled and thanked ME for being available to help him. I guess I saved him the house call that The Geek Squad would charge (if the links do not work, be assured at the time of this entry, TGS was charging $150-$300 for a housecall...the $150 was for first time PC set up which does not include installing/configuring antivirus or spyware. That is going to run you $100-$200 more). I am still amazed that people balk at my discounted rates (I charge A LOT less than TGS does and even less for my church family. I guess I need to just let them call the TGS and be done with it...but I digress.

I went geocaching on Father's Day since my son is not local and my pop has passed away. My wife was not overly happy, but she understood that I needed the time alone. I did a "creek crawl" a few miles south of our house that was fun, albeit a bit more strenuous than I expected. I did not finish it (I have five left to get, including a tree climb) but I did manage to get a serious tree climb and six others along the creek. I only saw one snake and kept my feet dry the first half of the hike until a misstep changed all that. But since I was already wet I continued on until I was too tired to continue. The trip back up the creek was easier and I only saw one water snake and it was small. I hope to finish this one next week sometime. It should be easier because I can park at the other end and hike a shorter distance to complete the series.

That beings me up to this week in which I am working from home all week due to the fact my office mate is on a much needed vacation. The bad thing is that I am also on call so it is all El Gee all day, for the next seven days. The good news is that the past couple of days have not been bad. I could offer more comments about my job but I won't...I am thankful to God that I am employed.

Well, the staining crew is here and they have asked me to have my neighbor move his SUV out of the way of the spray, but he did not answer the door (small is 7:00 AM). I hope his vehicle will be okay.

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