Monday, April 06, 2009

Not My Standard Weekend

It has been a while since I have given the world, "an update" so I figured before I get any busier I had better do she goes.

Work has until last week when it was rather...boring. I was working 8-5 last week but thanx to my office mate being on call I could go home early almost every day. That was nice.

We received our first paycheck with the 5% pay cut last week and it was just about the amount I had expected it to be. President BHO's tax cut helped some but not enough. If I did not have to be on call I would get a second job.

Grass cutting season has arrived so I have started maintaining both ours and our neighbor's yard. I think this is the 7th year for me to do it and I have just now gone up on my rates which is kinda funny since other lawn care providers have cut their rate a tad. I always swim against the current.

The Golden has had a minor surgery to fix a spot on her muzzle she keeps messing with. Of course now she will not stop messing with the sutures but at least the will eventually heal.

I have not gone geocaching (well, any serious geocaching) in three weeks. I have picked up a few here and there but nothing like I used to. Work, the weather, and other events have kept me from going. Not that it is a bad thing, just that I am jonesing to get out and tromp around the woods again soon.

Last weekend the men at church met at "The Farm" (a big plot of land that is owned by one of the church member's fathers) for a weekend camping trip. While I did not pack to go camping, I did bring everything I needed. I also brought my geocaching stuff but due to a scheduling conflict, I ended up giving one of the church elders a ride home. We stopped off at one cache in a cemetery, just to give him an idea of what the past time was like, but it was the only one we grabbed. He was on a tight time table and I needed to get him home. I would have went out caching on Sunday but it was super windy and I just was not in the mood to fight it. Heck, it is even windy today...and cold! It has been that way (with the exception of Saturday) for a week or so.

While I will not go into detail, my wife has to have surgery on Wednesday. She had some tests ran on her Friday and the doc was a tad concerned with the results, hence the short notice for surgery. That in and of itself is not all that reassuring but when you take into consideration that we have already paid $900 towards a beach house for vacation that starts this coming Friday (a vacation that we can no longer take, I might add) it makes things even worse. I am not trivializing my wife's surgery by any means but we both were looking forward to next week. We have a call and an e-mail in to the owner of the beach house asking for some consideration but I have a very bad feeling the money is forfeit. God willing, he will allow us to go in the off season (this fall would be okay with me) with the money we have already paid him. If not, I am pretty sure we will not ever use his properties ever again.

Back to my wife...the short notice of the surgery and what it involves has her a bit concerned (me as well) but she is handling it better today than she was Sunday. She has a mild degree of discomfort which hopefully abate after the surgery heals. The good news is that our son should be coming to see us (he is flying in from PA) this week. He has asked to borrow my truck (since he is too young to rent a car) while he is here so in preparation I replaced the two read (and balding) tires on it. I still need to get shocks but that is going to have to wait until I see how much the surgery is going to be.

Other than all that, things are pretty normal. We are adjusting to having only one dog and The Golden appears to be finally adjusting as well, although she now follows my wife around the house all day long, never letting her out of sight.

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