Monday, June 19, 2006

I Think the Hard Drive is Dying, Kiptain

I have been havening problems with my work PC for a few months. It is slow, overheats, and crashes frequently. For the longest time, I had no idea what was wrong, then I installed HDD Health from on it. HDD Health is a diagnostic tool that will give you an idea how much life you have left on your hard drive. After installing this and allowing it to run for a few months, I have been able to determine that the hard drive in my work laptop will go tango-uniform in less than a year.

While HDD Health is a good tool for giving you raw data, if you do not know how to interpret the data, you will have no idea what is wrong with your drive. My particular drive has sector allocation problems and is running out of usable spare sectors. This prompted me to call the Help Desk and request a new hard drive to be installed. I also initiated a full back-up of my HD data so I will have all I need when it is time to have the drive replaced.

HDD health is a pretty good tool, but only if you have time to research the raw data. I run it at home and it shows my drives are quite healthy. I run it at work and it shows me that the beast is ready to keel over any day. I hope I can get a replacement soon!

*** UPDATE, June 20, 2006 ***

I got to work and checked the laptop to see how the back-up went and it appears all went well. I looked at HDD health and it now shows the driving in VERY CRITICAL condition. I actually think that if I reboot it, the laptop may not come back up.

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